
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

SSINKspiration Valentines: Paper Pumpkin to the Rescue!

Good morning!  We're so excited, because after 12 days Aidan is finally returning to school (boy storm gave the kid's a second extended holiday).  While Aidan was off we decided to get  head start on one of his schools annual service projects, which is Valentine's for Veterans.  We always enjoying making cards for those who have worked to protect our freedom.  Today over on the Stylin' Stampin' INKspiration blog we're sharing Valentine's projects I thought it would be perfect to share two of the cards we made to give (great thing was as Aidan was making his cards I also made some so I'm all set on cards for the family).  These are two of the cards we made that uses extra pieces and stamps from the January 2015 Paper Pumpkin Kit (this kit is still available as well as the refill kit for Paper Pumpkin subscribers). 

The only thing we added was some cardstock (used some Brushed Gold cardstock on the second card for some bling) and the Happy Hearts Embossing Folder.

This is truly one of my all time favorite Paper Pumpkin kits perfect for treats as well as great elements for cards.  I still have more pieces(I've actually used 3 kits so far for my personal projects, as well as they were great for a kid's class I held this weekend!)

You still have plenty of time to get your valentine's finished, just let me know and I can help!

Also, just a heads up, with Valentine's Day being the second Sunday of the month (which is normally when we have card class) I'm moving this month's class to this Sunday, February 7 at 2:00 PM.  So before you great ready for all the football game that evening you can come over and make some great cards first!



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