
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Scrappy Saturday (a little late): Week 5, The Start of 2014

Good morning all!  So I bet you thought I fell off the wagon with the scrapbooking goal....well actually I've been working on a special page in honor of Aidan's 9th birthday for a couple of weeks looking for the perfect pictures and then things were so crazy with the big birthday party that I forgot to actually share it.  So rather than not share I thought I would do so even if I'm a little late. 
So for my first page of our 2014 photobook I wanted to do a page to commemorate Aidan's birthday and where he's come from so this page includes a picture for every year of his awesome life as well as a picture from his 9th birthday!  Aidan's such a fun and happy kid I love to look back at how he's grown and all his expressions and know that I'll cherish this page for years to come.    I made this page in My Digital Studio and since there are so many pictures I didn't had lots of embellishments, but I did include the supply list below the page so you have all the details.

Supply List

     Designer Series Paper\_Designer Kits\Be Awesome Today - designer series paper\Be Awesome Today - 12

    _Designer Kits\Fan Fair - embellishments\Fan Fair - stitching black corner 6
    _Designer Kits\Fan Fair - embellishments\Fan Fair - stitching black corner 6

    Moments Ago\Moments Ago - awesome, Color = 230,WATERMARK 255,255,255
    #hashthis\#hashthis - loveyou, Color = 230,WATERMARK 255,255,255

    Extras\Embark Graduate - punches\Embark Graduate - banner, Fill Color = 225,225,224

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