
Monday, November 18, 2013

Stylin' Stampin' INKspiration November Scrapbook Sketch Challenge

Happy Monday!  After another busy week it's back to work as we're heading full steam into the Thanksgiving Holiday.  I have two projects to share with you today so you'll have to come back this afternoon to see today's gratitude card, this morning I want to share a fun scrapbook page I made for this month's Stylin' Stampin' INKspiration blog sketch challenge.  As I looked back through my scrapbooks (those that are finished) I noticed that there aren't a lot of pictures with me in them or pages that include things that I did.  I read an interesting article recently about the importance of mom's being in the family pictures and documenting all aspects of your life, not just your kids so I'm working hard to include pages about myself as well as a living record of all that goes on in our lives.
Once again I broke out my laptop and My Digital Studio for this sketch and was able to make this page in now time.  This page documents the first 10K run I finished this past April, I trained really hard for it and it felt great once I was done.  One of the fun aspects of this page is I decided to use the image of the course map as the background for a fun change and just lowered the opacity of the picture so it wasn't so bold.  Other than that all I did was add some pictures, text, and some from hexagon elements, along with the title.  Below is a list of all the supplies used on this page.
Supply List:
    Staple & Stitching\Chocolate - Simple Stitches corner 2
    Staple & Stitching\Chocolate - Simple Stitches corner 2

    Sprinkled Expressions\Sprinkled Expressions - you did it, Color = 244,131,112
    _Designer Kits\Neon Notes\Neon Notes - awesome day, Color = 244,142,123

    Extras\Summer Possibilities - punches\Summer Possibilities - large hexagon,  Filled with: Designer Series Paper\_Designer Kits\This And That Epic Day - designer series paper\This And That Epic Day - 6
    Extras\Summer Possibilities - punches\Summer Possibilities - large hexagon,  Filled with: Designer Series Paper\_Designer Kits\This And That Epic Day - designer series paper\This And That Epic Day - 11
    Extras\Summer Possibilities - punches\Summer Possibilities - large hexagon,  Filled with: Designer Series Paper\_Designer Kits\This And That Epic Day - designer series paper\This And That Epic Day - 6
    Extras\Summer Possibilities - punches\Summer Possibilities - large hexagon,  Filled with: Designer Series Paper\_Designer Kits\Be Awesome Today - designer series paper\Be Awesome Today - 2
    Extras\Embark Graduate - punches\Embark Graduate - banner 2, Fill Color = 222,211,192

It's fun to remember that your scrapbooks don't just need to document the major vacations and milestones, they can cover anything including how your feeling on a given day and it'll really help you remember down the road all that you experienced.
I hope this page gave you some inspiration and motivated you to play along with this, or any of the other sketches we've been playing with.
Happy crafting,


  1. I LOVE this page and what it stands for ! Congrats on your run! I am doing my best to include myself in more pictures too...we have to leave behind our legacy, right?!?!?
