
Sunday, April 3, 2011

April Stamp-a-Stack

Good evening!  What a great weekend.  We had a fun class Saturday morning and we got to make the perfect gifts for mother's day (I'm so excited that all four of my gifts are complete and ready to go).  We also went to the movies and went to see "Hop," what a cute and funny movie (Aidan talked about it all evening long he was so excited).  I was also able to complete all the samples for this months stamp-a-stack which will be next Sunday at 2:00 PM.  Check out the samples below, you'll love these great cards.

This is the last month to purchase any items from the Occasions Mini catolog so make sure to order any items that are on your wish list.  Also, this month you have the opportunity to purchase a new stamp set and designer paper that won't come out until July when the new Idea Book and Catalog is released so we'll be trying them out this month.

I hope you can make it on Sunday, make sure to contact me soon to reserve your spot.

Have a great week and happy stamping!


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